About FioriConf
FioriConf is a free, live, online conference for the Fiori community by the Fiori community. It's all about SAP Fiori.
FioriConf aims to be the conference for every technical Fiori user: developer, architect, consultant, admin. FioriConf is about the poeple that bring Fiori to live at customers. How to get the Fiori app running, deployed, solve real world problems. It is for the people that bring Fiori to life
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April 24 2024
This is the agenda for FioriConf 2024. Event time is CEST. Each session has a 5 minute buffer for technical setup and speaker preparation.
Note: Changes might occur even at the event day, depending on the circumstances.
The organization team welcomes you and gives an overview of what to expect at FioriConf.
Speaker: Tobias Hofmann
Speaker: Sascha Wächter
Speaker: Sören Schlegel
Speaker: Johann Fößleitner
Speaker: Domi Bigl
Keynote: SAP Fiori latest innovations and outlook
This talk gives you an overview of the latest innovations for SAP Fiori as well as an outlook on what SAP is planning. It covers both web and mobile, and spans design and technology, as well as explaining our strategy and approach for entry points (SAP Start, SAP Mobile Start and SAP Work Zone and the SAP Fiori launchpad for SAP S/4HANA). As a special focus area, it will give you insights on AI with SAP Fiori.
Speaker: Thomas Reiss, SAP
Extending SAP Fiori Apps in S/4HANA Cloud with SAPUI5 Adaptation Projects
This session is a deep-dive into the new SAPUI5 Adaptation Project for S/4HANA Cloud, which empowers developers to enhance and extend SAP-released SAPUI5 applications in a structured and efficient manner using SAP Business Application Studio. Attendees will gain insights into the key features, benefits, and best practices for leveraging this feature and see an end-to-end demo to achieve developer extensibility within the S/4HANA Cloud environment.
Speaker: Angelika Kirilin, SAP
Speaker: Hristo Tsolev, SAP
AI modernizes SAP Fiori to make usage easier and more collaborative
SAP is bringing artificial intelligence to its SAP Fiori apps and how people consume them. My Home incorporates AI-based recommendations to make it easier for people to prioritize their actions. Collaboration is easier with several ways to share SAP Fiori elements apps through Microsoft Teams. Creating and sharing cards is easier than ever using Joule, SAP’s intelligent AI assistant.
Speaker: Thorsten Lange, SAP
SAP Fiori for All: Enhancing Accessibility and Sustainability
This session aims to shed light on the pivotal roles of accessibility and ecodesign within the SAP Fiori framework, underscoring their significance in fostering inclusive and sustainable digital environments.
Through concrete examples, we will demonstrate how developers can implement accessibility features, such as ARIA labels, keyboard navigation, and semantic content structuring, within their Fiori applications. Additionally, we will conclude with an opening on Ecodesign with some options to follow and manage Fiori Applications compliance with it.
Speaker: Nicolas Boucaud, VINCI Energies
Speaker: Nizare Damoumat, VINCI Energies
Meet the speakers
Speaker: Thomas Reiss
Speaker: Angelika Kirilin
Speaker: Hristo Tsolev
Speaker: Thorsten Lange
Speaker: Nicolas Boucaud
Speaker: Nizare Damoumat
Freshman RAP & Fiori-Elements: A Beginners (easy?) Journey
Wie tut man sich als Neuling in der RAP und Fiori Welt eigentlich? Wo oder wie fängt man am besten an? Das sind Fragen die ich euch mit meinen eigenen Erfahrungen beantworten möchte. Letztes Jahr bin ich die SAP-Welt eingestiegen und durfte in einem Private Cloud Projekt Fiori Elements entwickeln und bin dabei auf einiges gestoßen. Ihr werdet erfahren was gut gelaufen ist, wie man sich am besten orientiert und was gute Anhaltestellen sind um sich RAP und Fiori Elements anzueignen.
SAP Fiori weit mehr als nur Design
SAP Fiori wird von vielen Unternehmen aus rein technischer Perspektive betrachtet. Dabei wird völlig außer Acht gelassen, dass SAP Fiori eine sehr viel weitreichenderen Einfluss auf Change Management, Anforderungsanalyse u. Implementierung hat. In dieser Session gehen wir darauf ein auf was geachtet werden muss und wie man den SAP Fiori first Ansatz im Unternehmen etablieren kann.
Fiori Applikation mit Flexible Programming Model und RESTful ABAP – Externe API Datenintegration und KI-Image Generator am Beispiel einer Fiori Cocktail Applikation
In dieser Session tauchen wir in die Fiori-Entwicklung ein, die auf dem Flexible Programming Model und dem RESTful ABAP Programming Model basiert. Wir werden uns auf die Herausforderungen und Lösungen bei der Integration externer API-Daten konzentrieren und dabei technische Details der Implementierung beleuchten. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Implementierung des KI-Image Generators. Durch praktische Beispiele und Live-Demos erhalten die Teilnehmer Einblicke in die technische Umsetzung und Optimierung von Fiori-Anwendungen. Diese Session richtet sich an Entwickler, Architekten und technisch Interessierte, die tiefer in die technologischen Aspekte der Fiori-Entwicklung eintauchen möchten.
Speaker: Julian Danho, Pure Consulting AG
Speaker: Phillip Dörrschuck, Pure Consulting AG
Meet the speakers
Speaker: Stefan Hillinger
Speaker: Michael Englbrecht
Speaker: Julian Danho
Speaker: Phillip Dörrschuck
Coffee break
Fiori on Mobiles - Beyond Native SDKs
This session explores the evolution of Fiori applications on mobile devices, transcending the limitations of traditional native SDKs through innovative approaches such as low-code development. While native SDKs have traditionally been the cornerstone of mobile app development, the emergence of low-code platforms has revolutionized the landscape, offering rapid development, customization, and integration capabilities. By leveraging native device features and adhering to Fiori design principles, custom Fiori apps developed with low-code platforms promise enhanced user experiences, improved agility, and cost-efficiency. This session delves into the benefits and challenges of extending Fiori applications to mobile devices beyond native SDKs, highlighting the potential for organizations to unlock new levels of productivity and innovation in their mobile strategies.
Speaker: Chris Bouveret, Simplifier AG
SAP Development Tech Radar
Short version: this talk tries to answer the following questions: How come? For what reason? Why? How? Who? What? Where? When?
The concept of the tech radar will be explained. What are the quadrants and the meaning of the rings. What does it mean for a technology to be added to the tech radar and what does the ring it is placed into mean?
Using examples from the UI quadrant, I will show how to use the tech radar.
Speaker: Tobias Hofmann
UI5 Freestyle mit Drafthandling. Es ist möglich.
Obwohl es nicht von SAP empfohlen wird, kann es dennoch erforderlich sein, eine klassische, individuell Freestyle SAPUI5 Applikation mit einem OData V2 Model und Draft-Handling zu entwickeln.
In dieser Session werden die Teilnehmer ein Verständnis dafür gewinnen, wie eine Fiori Elements App Entwürfe verwaltet, da wir das Draft-Handling selbst in der SAPUI5 Applikation implementieren werden. Im Backend werden wir eine RAP-Applikation in der SAP BTP ABAP Umgebung mit Managed Business Objects und Early Numbering erstellen.
Damit der Showcase auch einem guten Zweck dient, werden wir das PayPal SDK in die SAPUI5 Applikation integrieren und es ermöglichen, Spenden für wohltätige Zwecke zu sammeln.
Speaker: Herbert Kaintz
Event closing
Frequently Asked Questions
What is FioriConf?
FioriConf is a new conference with focus on Fiori.
FioriConf aims to be the conference for every technical Fiori user: developer, architect, consultant, admin. FioriConf is about the poeple that bring Fiori to live at customers. How to get the Fiori app running, deployed, solve real world problems. It is for the people that bring Fiori to life.
What is the target group of FioriConf?
You work with Fiori day in and day out? You put Fiori apps into production? You configure technical catalogs, pages and spaces? You define the landscape, governance and guidelines for Fiori apps? You write new, extend or customize Fiori Apps? Use UI flexibility, adaptation or Personas to adopt SAP apps? Either if you are involved in the theory, the implementation or maintenance of Fiori at your employer or customer, FioriConf is made for you!
Is this an SAP event?
No. FioriConf is organized by Fiori enthusiasts. The Fiori people at SAP are supporting us with session content. We are happy with this, and so is the SAP side.
Is this like ABAPConf?
Yes and no. FioriConf is intended to be what ABAPConf is for ABAP: give Fiori users a voice at a community driven event. FioriConf bridges the gap between the technical conferences like UI5con and ABAPConf and the official SAP events like TechEd. Coming from the community, the focus is on the current situation at customers, at projects and real live scenarios and solutions.
Will the sessions be recorded?
Yes. And they are streamed live to our YouTube channel.
Will there be sessions in English?
Yes. But we hope to also offer sessions in German. As with our flighship event ABAPConf online, we hope to offer sessions in German and English, around 50% each.
Can my company sponsor the event?
Currently we are not looking for sponsors.
Event Organization
There is an "I" in FioriConf. Meet the organizers behind FioriConf.

Tobias Hofmann
DB Systel GmbH

Johann Fößleitner
Cadaxo GmbH

Sören Schlegel
Brandeis Consulting

Domi Bigl
Cadaxo GmbH

Sascha Wächter
DB Systel GmbH